“The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials.” – Lin Yutang Most of us know that the “Green” movement is all about reducing, reusing, recycling and repurposing. In short, it’s simplifying what you have. Its about...
Some of us use our cars as an “office on wheels” and some of us use them to simply haul our kids from one place to the next. Thinking of getting an upgrade for your car? Or just want a change but don’t want to change your unique number plate? Do not...
These are some of my favorite books, and I have organized them by topic. Of course, many of these books fit more than one category. Happy reading! Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life by Judith Kolberg & Kathleen Nadeau,...
Most of us love to travel but the process of preparing for a trip often raises unnecessary stress. When you get organized to travel, packing the right items is a no-brainer and the effort you put into planning will pay off when you are on the vacation or business...
What if the one spouse who takes care of all the family’s vital records was suddenly gone? What if a tornado, flood, earthquake, or some other natural disaster destroyed your home? Where are your financial documents? Where’s the will? With whom do you have...