Frequently Asked Questions

Why Should I Hire A Professional Organizer?

Sometimes you just get stuck or are overwhelmed with too much stuff and clutter. I can help you get unstuck whether it be physically or mentally. I will motivate you, encourage you, teach you and give you a personalized plan to follow.

What is a Certified Professional Organizer®?

A Certified Professional Organizer® or CPO® is a Professional Organizer who has taken and passed a standardized test given by the Board of Certification for Professional Organizers (BCPO). Before qualifying to take the test the Professional Organizer must work a minimum of 1250 hours as a professional organizer in the last 3 years. He/she must also commit to adhere to the Code of Ethics for Professional Organizers.

A CPO® designation assures potential clients that this Professional Organizer has demonstrated the highest level of professional experience and requisite knowledge in the realm of the organizing profession. The CPO® is committed to advancing the practice of professional organizing and to the raising of industry standards.

In plain English, a Certified Professional Organizer® is a business person who wants to see Professional Organizing become a profession with defined industry standards, continuing education requirements, and other distinctions to separate out the hobbyist from the serious professional.

How Can An Organizer Help Me?

Do any of these situations sound familiar? I can provide solutions.

  • Your parents are downsizing and moving into a smaller place. What are you going to keep and what happens to all the rest of it?
  • You just had a new baby and suddenly all your organization has blown up. Or, you never were organized and now it’s worse.
  • You just bought a new home and you can’t find anything.
  • You just got a married and you have to blend two household together plus the new gifts.
  • You are never on time and you’re tired of it.
  • You are overwhelmed and don’t know where to start.
  • Your kitchen is a mess and you would rather eat out than go in that kitchen.

Do I Have To Clean My House Or Office Before Ruthann Comes?

No, absolutely not! I can learn a lot about the way you think and do things when I can see everything as it is normally.

How Long Will It Take To Get Organized?

It depends on you. I will work with you one-on-one. I am here to help you make decisions, teach you about organizing and to keep you moving through the process.

I Have Tried To Get Organized In The Past But Nothing Worked – Can You Help?

Do you have ADHD? Most organizing systems are not created for the ADHD brain. I will create a system that will work with your ADHD, not against it.

Do I Have to Buy A Lot Of New Containers?

No, I will always work with what you already own. I might make suggestions for something that will work better, but that is a discussion after we have simplified and organized.

When Is The Best Time To Get Organized?

When your life is in transistion – getting married or divorced, having a new baby, moving or death of a spouse or family member.

When you are feeling overwhelmed or depressed by the clutter and disorganization and you don’t know where to start.

When you want to be more productive, efficient and in control of your time, space and life.

Do You Give Quotes Via Email?

No, Each organizing job is different. Before I offer any quotes about the cost I want to talk to you about the needs and goals of the organizing project. Only then can I tell you what an estimated cost might be.

Do You Travel Outside The Birmingham, AL Area?

Yes. However, there maybe a travel fee for any project outside the Birmingham area. I regularlly travel to clients in the Montgomery, Auburn, Tuscaloosa and Huntsville areas.

Where Do I Start?

Text me at (205) 222-0099 or email me at We will talk and expect questions about what is bothering you the most, what you are looking for and when you want to get started.

How can a Certified Professional Organizer help you?

So many ways!